Cellphone Radiation

The topic of cell-phone radiation and its harms to the human brain is very controversial. Some argue that it’s extremely harmful and some argue that it’s completely harmless. However I turned to research off of the Internet and other sources. Here are some of the things I found.

While some argue that cell phone radiation is completely harmless, The Environmental Working Group launched a cell phone radiation report in September that stated while the long-term effects of cell phone radiation are still being studied, there is sufficient research that shows higher risk for brain and gland tumors among heavy cell phone users. The EWG thinks that consumers to look up their cell phone's radiation level, and to wear a headset when talking on the phone to limit their exposure to the radiation.

Contrary to the beliefs of the EWG, The World Health Organization, based upon the consensus view of the scientific and medical communities stated that cancer is unlikely caused by cell phones or their base stations. Reviews have found no genuine evidence for other health effects. The WHO expects to make recommendations about mobile phones in 2010.

Ionizing Radiation is harmful to humans. Exposure to ionizing radiation causes cells and genes to mutate or change form. This can possibly lead to different types of cancer, affecting the thyroid, breast, bladder, colon, liver, lung, esophagus, ovaries and stomach. Some scientist also links it to other forms of cancer, heart disease and stroke.

The type of radiation contained in cell phones is categorized as Non-Ionizing radiation. Is it less harmful or harmless? Non-ionizing radiation, which is believed to be safe, was proven to overheat cells, causing damage to them as well. Scientists cannot pinpoint the exact level where this type of radiation becomes unsafe. Testing on humans presents a controversial issue because of the hazards. However, in animal studies, exposure to cell phone radiation for as little as two minutes is proven to have a damaging effect on the brain and blood vessels.

According to this article cell phones are very much harmful to the brain and shouldn’t be allowed to be used by children.German government officials were also advising thier people to avoid radiation from mobile phones by using wired connections instead of WiFi and by using landline phones instead of cell phones. Understanding that cell phone radiation is a problem for kids, the British government advised parents to restrict the use of cell phones to children over 12 years of age. They believe U.S. government remains silent because sometimes money and politics are strong adversaries of truth.

The U.S. government tests each cell phone and uses a rating system called Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR, to measure how much radiation the human body absorbs. . Some cell-phones are higher in radiation than others, there-for they are presented to be more harmful to the brain than others. New cell phones in 2010 are loaded with new features. These features provide faster Internet, clearer pictures, more enhanced sound and more space to download. The price to pay goes way past finances For some models, like Motorola’s Droid, Blackberry Bold 9700, LG Chocolate Touch and HTC Nexus One Google phone, consumers pay a hidden price: exposure to the highest legal levels of cell phone radiation. You actually can see the cell phone radiation levels of new 2010 cell phones .

In my opinion there is no definite way of tracking whether cell phone use is a cancer risk because there are many other things that can cause cancer. I feel that cell phone radiation research is quite new and may need a longer period of time to determine if it really is a posibility. The testing of the affect oh cell phone radiation is to dangerous to conduct on the human race as of now,but in he future they may or may not come to a significant conclusion on the dangers of cell phone use. Im nutural on the topic for now until future references.

© Raven Starke 2010